Ma è West?

2D animation

The brief started with the choice of a painting or a work of art: starting from this, an animated short film should have been developed digitally that presented the original work in a frame, reinterpreting it with a different visual and graphic style.
My group and I chose the work of art of the surrealist painter Salvador Dalì "The portrait of Mae West". The choice turned to this painting because it provided the possibility of implementing different optical illusions of the face that can be found in the room represented in her physicality.

The concept behind the animated short film made it is precisely based on this dichotomy: we have imagined a museum containing numerous works of art by Dalì, partly paintings, partly statues and objects, which
come to life in a mysterious way for the visitor, increasing the visitor's tension and curiosity represented up to the climax of the short, the final scene where the museum room reveals her identity, showing Mae West's face in motion.

The artefact was created following the creation of a manually drawn and written storyboard, to then be translated digitally using various software in the Suite by Adobe: Illustrator for digital drawing, After Effects for animation and Premiere for editing.

Personally, my contribution has turned above all on the drafting of the concept and the following digital translation, then digital drawing and animation.

Politecnico di Milano
Facoltà di Design della Comunicazione
(Communication Design)

AA 2017 / 2018
Laboratorio del Disegno
(Design laboratory)

Carbone Gabriele,
Malagugini Massimo,
Trupiano Patrizia

Development group
Simone Banfi,
Lorenzo Barilla,
Lorenzo Sala,
Filippo Tortelli