
3D modelling, collaboration, workshop

Ekib is a project developed during a workshop with Chicco (Artsana) during the Master in Design for Kids & Toys. The brief asked to solve the mobility issues of parents/caregivers with kids in the city. Therefore we designed a bike-seat that, reducing the builky volume for parents if they need to bring more than one accessory, can be flipped around and easily switched into a rideable for the kid.

We built a model in 3D (printing even a scaled protoype of it!) after weeks of research, and we came up with the final design that you can see in these renders. We tried to give it an identity by choosing the colour palette and designing a logo. We linked the logo to the product with the iconic eye, that can eventually be used as a mark for communication campaigns.

Personally, I’ve developed the 3D model and the logo design and animation. Together with the group, I joined the concept generation phase.

Master in Design for Kids & Toys

AA 2020 / 2021
Workshop with Chicco (Artsana)

Development group

Giorgio Banfi,
Benedetta Moro,
Giovanna Nisi,
Benedetta Torti