
2D animation, branding, artifact system

The brief we received for the final course of our degree asked us to develop a tool to catalogue and present to the Communication Designers’ community the unmissable projects of the discipline. the solution we found was to create a digital archive, designed mainly for students and former students of Communication Design School.

Taking inspirations from the already existing archives, we selected the projects made unmissable by various factorrs, such as the authority, the recurrence in the discipline manuals and eventual prizes they won. Another step of the project were the interviews to some experts of the sector, to keep the catalogue up-to-date and give new stimula to the users.

Moreover to the archive we projected three different satellite artifact: an Instagram profile @puntocit to give voice to the users, a mobile phone app gioca.cit to test their knowledge and a communication campaign with posters to sponsor the main artifact, the archive. All these artifacts are visible through the links.

I’ve animated the screenshot of the archive (designed together with the other members) and the gioca.cit app, moreover the cataloging of projects and previous research. For the mock-up animations I’ve used Adobe Illustrator and Adobe After Effects.

Politecnico di Milano
Facoltà di Design della Comunicazione
(Communication Design)

AA 2019 / 2020
Laboratorio di Sintesi Finale - Tesi
(Final laboratory - Thesis)

Valeria Luisa Bucchetti,
Umberto Tolino,
Pamela Visconti

Development group
Lisa Beretta
Giulia Proserpio
Lorenzo Sala