Tortelli di zucca

2D animation

During this course at the beginning of our degree course, me and my two group mates have been asked to create a video recipe of a dish of our choice. We chose a single ingredient - the pumpkin in our case - and we then decided to develope the recipe of pumpkin tortelli.

The rules were not to include any word, number or graphic symbol, but just use images and pitograms. We firstly made a storyboard to decide the scenes rhythm and then realised all the needed visual elements on Adobe Illustrator. Then we animated them on Adobe After Effects and edited the parts on Adobe Premiere, adding sound and credits.

I personally followed all the parts of the process, from the making of the visual elements to the final edit.
Politecnico di Milano
Facoltà di Design della Comunicazione
(Communication Design)

AA 2017 / 2018
Laboratorio di Elementi Visivi del Progetto
(Visual elements of the prject’s laboratory)

Valeria Luisa Bucchetti,
Elena Zordan

Francesca Casnati (assistant)
Paolo Panzuti Bisanti (assistant)
Development group
Mattia Mertens

Giorgio Redaelli
Lorenzo Sala