University thesis

editorial design, research

At the end of the project .cit we were asked to realise a publication to deliver our roject seen from 360 degrees.  The brief required a size of 16.5 x 23 cm.

We opted for a layout that could remind the archive style, both in the graphic layout and the support materials and style. In fact we choose to design a ring binder with sheets on the inside. In this way, the reader can eventually take away some pages and rearrange them or keep them outside; and the binder can also be eventually integrated with new contents or notes.
Speaking about the graphic layout, we split every page vertically in half, keeping in the inner sides the text and on the outside the notes, the images and the titles.

Due to Covid-19 pandemic we couldn’t print a real one, so I realised this 3D mockup of how the binder would have looked like.

Politecnico di Milano
Facoltà di Design della Comunicazione
(Communication Design)

AA 2019 / 2020
Laboratorio di Sintesi Finale - Tesi
(Final laboratory - Thesis)

Valeria Luisa Bucchetti,
Umberto Tolino,
Pamela Visconti

Development group
Lisa Beretta
Giulia Proserpio
Lorenzo Sala